The Effect of Augmented Reality Applications Integrated with Modeling on Pre-Service Science Teachers' Modeling Skills and Academic Achievements
This study investigates the impacts of augmented reality applications integrated with modeling on pre-service science teachers' modeling skills achievements and determines their opinions toward the implementation process. This study used a simultaneous nested mixed method in which two online and face-to-face groups of fifty-six first-year pre-service science teachers were randomly assigned to the experimental groups. The "Weak Interactions Interparticles Academic Achievement Test", rubric, and diary forms were applied to evaluate pre-service teachers' achievements, modeling skills, and opinions. An independent sample t-test was used to compare face-to-face and online groups. A dependent sample t-test was chosen to compare within groups. Pre-service teachers' academic achievements in the online experimental group are higher than in the face-to-face experimental group. However, pre-service teachers' modeling skills are higher in the face-to-face group than in the online group. In addition, the results revealed that augmented reality application is more effective in pre-service teachers' academic success modeling skills. The qualitative results of this study revealed that face-to-face education had more positive views and welcomed this technology in terms of the learning and teaching process.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jsl.v6i4.60780
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