Modeling the Relationship between Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Scientific Habits of Mind, Attitudes towards Socio-scientific Issues and Scientific Literacy
Socio-scientific issues (SSI), including dilemmas and problems in scientific and social terms, are directly related to individuals’ daily lives. Individuals’ interests and attitudes towards SSI also affect their perspective on events in their lives. For this reason, as a member of society, it is essential to research variables that are thought to be related to pre-service elementary teachers’ attitudes towards SSI. Based on this point, the relationship between pre-service elementary teachers’ attitudes towards SSI, their scientific habits of mind (SHOMS) for SSI, and their level of scientific literacy are studied and tried to be modeled. One hundred twenty pre-service elementary teachers studying at a university in the south-eastern Anatolia region of Turkey have participated in this study. The correlation research design from descriptive research methods is used in this study. In this context, three data collection tools are used with the personal data form. Research results have been analyzed by using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. According to the analysis results, it is determined that pre-service elementary teachers’ SHOMS for SSI affect scientific literacy, and attitudes towards SSI affect interest in scientific knowledge and publications.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jsl.v5i2.36916
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