Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran (JPManper) is published online (e-ISSN 2656-4734/ p-ISSN 2686-5491) by the Office Management Education Study Program, the Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This journal publishes studies on topics related to Office Management Education. This journal invites the experts in the fields to share their works, especially those related to the teaching and learning of office management, archives management, quality management systems, office communications, human resources management, information systems management, and education organizations' behavior.

Call For Paper Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran (JPManper) Vol 10, No 2, July 2025 |
Dear Authors, We invite all of you to publish your article on the theme of: “teaching and learning of office management, archives management, quality management systems, office communications, human resources management, information systems management, and education organizations' behavior.” for Volume 10 No 2, July 2025. Here are the important dates:
Detail information can be seen in Call papers announcement. |
Posted: 2025-01-28 | More... |
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Vol 10, No 1 (2025): Januari 2025
Table of Contents
Kartin Aprianti, Ita Purnama
Riska Amalia, Nor Norisanti, Faizal Mulia Z
Jihan Butsainah, Fahmi Jahidah Islamy, Edi Suryadi
Hanin Muhaiminu, Nor Norisanti, Resa Nurmala
Tiara Rizkia Putri, Kokom Komariah, Faizal Mulia Z
Najwa Nadhira Ali, Sambas Ali Muhidin, Hendri Winata
Achmad Ferdiansyah, Madziatul Churiyah, Imam Bukhori, Yuli Agustina
Fahrul Agustian Hartas, Endang Supardi, Abi Sopyan Febrianto
Tiara Fisca Marliany, Nani Sutarni, Rini Intansari Meilani
Erfiesya Anggie, Gloria Natasia, Tuti Yuningsih, Mochamad Whilky Rizkyanfi
Front Matter [Cover Depan]
Front Matter
Back Matter [Cover Belakang]
Back Matter