Penerapan Teknologi Cloud Computing dalam Manajemen Data dan Informasi Perkantoran

Erfiesya Anggie, Gloria Natasia, Tuti Yuningsih, Mochamad Whilky Rizkyanfi


Cloud Computing is no longer a new term for internet users. Cloud Computing is today's technology capable of storing data and information on the internet. It is undeniable that this technology can assist in the process of data management and office information. But the question is how are the application and benefits of Cloud Computing in various institutions such as Universities, Public Health Centers, Prosecutors' Offices, Employee Recruitment, and Small and Medium Enterprises throughout Indonesia? Qualitative methods are carried out in this research employing a literature study in the form of a descriptive analysis of previous studies. This research provides the following results: Cloud Computing can solve information system redundancy problems in Higher Education, play a role in website development at Public Health Centers, as a data bank or digital library at the attorney general's office, use Google Forms for employee recruitment, and improve Small Business business performance and Intermediate.


Cloud Computing; Manajemen Data dan informasi; Perkantoran

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