Systematic Literature Review The Role of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure for Children with Special Needs at School

Arif Fakhrudin Maulana


Children with special needs need quality facilitators. One form of facilitator that children with special needs need to have is facilities and infrastructure that can support their education. The purpose of this study is to add insight into the importance of educational facilities and infrastructure for children with special needs in schools and to see what the real condition of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia in recent years. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to collect and analysed data from 14 articles relevant to the topic under review. The results show the importance of the role of facilities and infrastructure for children with special needs which greatly affects learning outcomes as well as how the real conditions of facilities and infrastructure are still not appropriate, causing many problems for both students with special needs and educators. The results of this study are expected to help all parties to care more about the conditions of facilities and infrastructure for children with special needs in schools, be it students, teachers, school authorities, parents, government, and or the public.


Children with Special Needs, Educational facilities and infrastructure, Inclusive Schools, Special School.

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