The Jurnal Asesmen Dan Intervensi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus is a journal in the field of special education, therefore this journal contains knowledge in the field of special education both from research results and ideas. The scientific fields published in the journal are the results of research, studies, and ideas in the field of education for children with special needs, especially regarding assessment and intervention. Jurnal Asesmen Dan Intervensi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus consists of two forms, namely offline journals and online or online journals, and is published twice a year.
e-ISSN : 2776-8783
p-ISSN : 1412-9337

Vol 24, No 2 (2024): JASSI Anakku: Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024
Table of Contents
ALYA JILAN RIZQITA, Imas Diana Aprilia, s Sunardi, Rina Maryanti, Muhammad Rafi Wirdan Assyakir Tandu Bela, J Juhanaini, Lamina Amalia Putri
Toni Yudha Pratama, Afifah Sarah Az-zahra, Karlina Dieka Rasnah, Dhea Salmaa Salsabiil, Achmadi Fajar Harits, Ferina Agnis Maharani, Putri Mayunda Nursabrina
Suprihatin Kehok, Leiliana Linaty, Citra Ashri maulidina, Aisyah Winna Putri, R Rosifah
Yoga Budhi Santoso, Ernie C Siregar, Ranti Novianti, Eka Yuli Astuti, Fajar Indra Sptian
Nur Sa'adatul Auliyah
Maksud Khoshimov