Evaluation of Banana Sale Drying Performance Using a Tray Dryer with Mathematics Modeling
The drying process of Banana Sale involves two mathematical modeling approaches: the Newton model and the Henderson-Pabis model. The bananas are sliced and dried for 220 minutes at a temperature of 60°C with a drying rate of 4.5 m/s, and observations are made every 20 minutes. The research includes the analysis of moisture content, texture, and mass changes in banana chips. The modeling using the Newton and Henderson-Pabis models shows significant results. The drying rate coefficient (k) in both models is 0.00335, and the R2 values for both models are 0.98961 and 0.98967. These results indicate that both models are theoretically suitable for explaining the banana chips drying process, providing essential insights for understanding and optimizing this process.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/edufortech.v9i1.60962
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