Analisis Desain Didaktik Etnomatematika melalui Endog-Endogan dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Kelas II SD

Elita Nur Fitri, Supriadi Supriadi


Culture-based mathematics learning can be an alternative to developing teaching materials because culture develops around students. One culture that can be used in mathematics learning is the traditional game of Endog-Endogan as an innovation of ethnomathematical learning in reduction material to develop students' creative thinking skills. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. The data analyzed were secondary in the form of 31 learning obstacle data, 25 initial didactic design data, 6 didactic design revision data, and teacher and student pedagogics during learning. The results showed that students had difficulty in making stories in different forms from the questions given. This suggests that students have learning barriers in understanding the concept of subtraction. The initial didactic design developed was able to reduce student learning barriers but did not fully suit the needs of students. The didactic design revision carried out is able to overcome student learning barriers and improve students' creative thinking skills. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that culture-based mathematics learning can improve students' creative thinking skills because culture-based learning can involve students actively in the learning process and associate learning materials with the culture they know.


Ethnomathematics; Didactic Design; Creative Thinking

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