Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation

Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation is a tourism scientific journal, published by Study Program Management of Resort and Leisure, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This Journal is supported by tourism scholar associations Ikatan Cendikiawan Pariwisata Indonesia (ICPI). The journal publishes two issues in April and October which consist of 10 articles in each issue. Editors also encourage authors to be able to publish articles such as research results, findings, and academic writings, especially those relating to tourism, hospitality, and outdoor recreation. This Journal has been accredited SINTA 3 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology reference No 164/E/KPT/2021We strongly emphasize authors to submit an article which never been published before, either in the repository, conference, other language or other journals.
If you are affiliated as a student for the first author and correspondence author, please do not submit your manuscript to this journal. We prioritize the manuscript from academics, practitioners, and government agents. We check the author database through Google Scholar and PDDIKTI for the affiliation.
Jika Anda terafiliasi sebagai Mahasiswa S1/S2 untuk penulis pertama dan penulis korespondensi, mohon untuk tidak mensubmit naskah Anda ke Jurnal ini. Kami mengutamakan naskah dari para akademisi, praktisi, dan kepemerintahan. Kami akan meninjau nama penulis beserta afiliasi di database Google Scholar dan PDDIKTI. Mohon maaf, kami tidak akan merespon naskah dan email yang masuk apabila anda terafiliasi sebagai mahasiswa di nama penulis pertama.

eISSN : 2654-4687  |  pISSN : 2654-3893


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Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation (October)

Table of Contents


Haritsah Kusumaningrum, Pipin Kusumawati, Dyah Wahyuning Tyas, Fitriana Fitriana
Runavia Mulyasari, Karlina Maizida
Wijianto Wijianto, Ika Farida Ulfah, Ardyan Firdausi Mustoffa
Andhika Chandra Lesmana, Agus Setiawan Setiawan
Trisagia Mokodongan
Khusnul Bayu Aji, P.L. Rika Fatimah
Moh. Khusaini
Dewa Putu Kiskenda Erwanda Putra
Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Armandha Redo Pratama, erry Sukriah, purna Hindayani, Haikal Muhammad Ihsan, Sri Marhanah
Nurul Khotimah, Tutik Alawiyah Syakirin, Fadhila Husna Asri, Erma Rahmawati
Ayulia Nirwani, Ahmad Hudaiby Galih Kusumah, Eka Sakti Yudha