Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Techniques in Classical Guidance to Increase Career Confidence of Special Needs Students

Elliyatul Munawwarah, M. Muslihati


Self-confidence plays an important role in an individual's life, especially for students in special schools who often face physical, mental, and social challenges in career development. Assertiveness training is one of the effective methods to improve career confidence, as it focuses on communication skills and the ability to express thoughts and feelings assertively. This study utilized a non-systematic literature review to explore the effectiveness of assertiveness training in improving the career confidence of special education students within a classical guidance framework. Relevant literature was analyzed from Google Scholar and PubMed, focusing on publications from the last 10 years. The findings highlighted significant improvements in students' career confidence, communication ability, and decision-making skills following assertiveness training. Key enabling factors included institutional support, appropriate training methods, participant commitment, and intensive guidance from counselors. However, barriers such as low initial confidence levels, limited time, and environmental support remained a challenge. This study contributes to the development of a customized assertiveness training module for special education students and provides practical implications for schools, teachers, parents, and researchers.


Assertiveness training; Classical guidance; Self-confidence; Special education students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijcsne.v4i2.79080


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