Knowledge Capture in the Field of Curriculum Development in the Format of Digital Media
With the massive flow of information obtained easily today, knowledge is one of the essential assets that must be maintained in an organization. In this digital era, books are not the only source that can be used as an asset. There are so many media applied to spread the knowledge held by experts in higher education. This study aims to document each lecturer's knowledge (knowledge capture), especially lecturers who have curriculum development expertise, to preserve their knowledge to be used by all students and even the broader community in the future online. The research used the descriptive method. The subjects are curriculum expert lecturers, learning media expert lecturers, students, and education practitioners. Based on the research results in conducting a needs analysis, data obtained that in the context of knowledge transfer in an organization or scientific field, the knowledge capture process becomes an essential part of storing knowledge in the long term. The steps taken to manage knowledge well need to be carried out through stages 1) identifying and collecting knowledge, 2) capturing and storing knowledge, 3) transferring and sharing knowledge, 4) creating a knowledge portal, and forming a dedicated team in maintaining the knowledge store.
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