Training On The Application Of TPACK In Learning For Special School Teachers In Pandeglang District

Pratama Yudha Toni, Utami Tanjung Yuni


This research aims to determine training in implementing TPACK in learning for special schoolteachers in Pandeglang Regency. Technological, Pedagogical, Content, and Knowledge (TPACK) is a way to increase the use of technology in the learning process. The research method used is narrative inquiry using interviews. The research results show that the issue of using technology in the field of education, especially teaching, cannot be avoided, especially during the past Covid-19 pandemic until now where learning is carried out online. However, online learning is still understood and implemented by emphasizing the use of platforms without integrating pedagogy and teaching materials. So online learning activities do not actively involve students in online learning which contains technology, pedagogy, and teaching materials (TPACK). The results of this community service aim to assist Special School teachers in integrating the use of technology, pedagogy and teaching materials.


Learning; Special School; TPACK.

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