Pemanfaatan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Relationship Management Siswa SDN 012 Babakan Ciparay

Befita Puti Aprita, Azrina Hanifa, Zahrani Putri, Asadel Azmi Abidin, Viola Syarwendah, Budi Setiawan


Cooperative learning is a learning model that involves students working in groups with the aim of encouraging activeness, social skills, and better learning outcomes. One of its advantages is improving relationship management, which includes the dimensions of leadership, communication, influence, initiating change, collaboration, management of conflict, building bonds, collaboration and cooperation, and team skills. This research aims to find out what dimensions of relationship management can be improved through the use of cooperative learning for fifth grade students at SDN 012 Babakan Ciparay, Bandung. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive research involving 52 students from two classes. Data collection techniques use questionnaires as the main instrument, as well as interviews and observation as supporters. The questionnaire consists of 19 statement items based on Goleman's theory regarding emotional intelligence, especially the relationship management component. The research results show that cooperative learning significantly improves students' relationship management abilities. The influence dimension recorded the highest score of 3.42, followed by the collaboration and cooperation dimension with 3.39 and communication with an average of 3.37. This increase contributes positively to the development of students' emotional intelligence, especially in the ability to build and manage relationships with other people. Thus, cooperative learning is recommended as an effective learning model for improving the relationship management skills of elementary school students, especially fifth grade, as part of strengthening their emotional intelligence and social skills.


Dimensions; Relationship Management Skills; Cooperative Learning

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