Minat Siswa Kelas IV dalam Mengikuti Ekstrakurikuler Renang di SD Negeri Buahgede
During the COVID-19 pandemic, swimming extracurricular activities at the State Elementary School of Buahgede were stopped. Due to the cessation of swimming extracurricular activities, students’ interest may begin to decrease in participating in swimming extracurricular activities. Therefore, it makes researchers interested in researching how students interest are in participating in swimming extracurricular activities in elementary school. The purpose of the research is fortunately to know the interest of fourth-grade students in participating in swimming extracurriculars and to know the elements of interest and factors that influence activities at the State Elementary School of Buahgede. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a case study method that used a questionnaire as a research instrument to gain information about the interest of fourth graders in participating in swimming extracurriculars at the State Elementary School of Buahgede. The result indicated that the students’ interest was in the very high category. From the elements of interest, it was stated the element of fun had an influence that aroused students' interest in participating in swimming extracurriculars at the State Elementary School of Buahgede From the interest factors, the high interest of students in participating in swimming extracurriculars is because of the internal factors. These results show that interest in swimming extracurricular activities is quite high due to the strong desire of students to develop their potential during the pandemic. This can be used as a foundation for schools to develop targeted and sustainable extracurricular programmes
Interest; Extracurricular; Swimming
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/didaktika.v3i4.52090
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