Keragaman Gaya Belajar Siswa SD (Suatu Penelitian Narrative Inquiry pada Pembelajaran IPA)
The various types of learning styles that we are familiar with are generally visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This paper addresses the confusion among the general public, especially educators. The assessment of students who cannot sit still in the learning process for a long period is considered a child who does not want to be arranged. At the same time, this is a characteristic of learning style. The importance of this research is to explore the emergence of each diversity and how each emergence is done. Using the narrative inquiry method adds perfection to the details of the findings. The findings on the discussion of eyeball movements when thinking show that children in the visual learning style category move their eyeballs upwards. The auditorial learning style is dominated by the sense of hearing in absorbing any information obtained,, and the kinesthetic style is dominated by physical activity, touch and movement. Each of us has the most dominant type of learning style. The results of the achievement of the data obtained vary in that one type of learning style has its own diversity. The importance of research in this area is because every teacher needs to understand the characteristics of what learning styles we dominantly use or an educator must understand every way of extracting information that his students use to achieve the effectiveness of the information transfer process.
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