Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Huruf Kapital pada Karangan Deskripsi Siswa SDN 1 Sleman Lor saat Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

Era Rahayu, Nenden Sundari, Lizza Suzanti


This research sheds light on a commonly overlooked aspect of learning, specifically the neglect of proper capitalization when writing essays. The study focuses on students' descriptive essays, aiming to comprehend the usage of capital letters and identify suitable teaching materials to address errors in their application. This research uses a language error analysis method. Employing a synchronous approach, the research method involves language error analysis, with data collection performed through document analysis techniques. The findings reveal five instances of improper capitalization. First, capital letters are employed as an escort for the initial letter at the sentence's commencement. Second, capital letters represent the first letters in elements of human names, including nicknames. Third, capital letters are utilized for the first letters in the names of months, years, days, holidays, and other significant occasions. Fourth, capital letters are applied to the initial letters of geographic names. Lastly, capital letters are used for the first letters in historical event names. To address these issues, a teaching material is developed, involving the distribution of Learning Activity Sheets (LKS) to students. These sheets showcase descriptive essays that exhibit improper capitalization, serving as a tool for highlighting and rectifying capitalization errors in student writing.


Capital Letters Use Errors; Descriptive Writing; Learning Materials

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