Improving the ability to compose simple Korean sentences by using sentence scramble learning model

Tania Nugroho, Velayeti Nurfitriana Ansas, Didi Sukyadi


This research is prompted by the main problem of novice Korean students in learning to compose Korean sentences in which they often found difficulties in arranging the words into correct sentences. This might be due to the differences in sentence patterns between Korean and Indonesian. Hence, this study was to examine the use of sentence scramble technique to enhance the students’ ability to compose simple Korean sentences. This study used a quantitative approach using an experimental research method with one-group pretest-posttest design. Twenty students in level one who are members of the Homey Korean Language and Culture Community were involved in this research. A pretest and posttest in the forms of short entries was employed to measure the students' ability before and after receiving the treatment. Afterwards, a Likert-scale questionnaire was sent to get the students’ responses. The results showed that the students' initial ability before getting the treatment was categorized fairly sufficient. After receiving the treatment, they enhanced their sentence writing skills, which were categorized very good. Then, the results of the t-test also showed that there was a significant difference between the students' abilities before and after receiving the treatment (t-observed 3.373 > t-table 2.093 at a significance level of 5%). Additionally, the results of the questionnaire exhibited that the students’ responses after receiving the treatment was convincingly positive.


Korean language; sentence scramble; teaching technique; writing skills

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