Motion Graphic Learning Videos to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes in the PPLG Subject at SMKN 2 Cimahi
Teaching and learning processes play a crucial role in students' success, with their quality being significantly influenced by the instructional media selected by teachers. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing motion graphic learning videos to improve students' learning outcomes in the PPLG subject at SMKN 2 Cimahi. The research adopts the Classroom Action Research (CAR) methodology developed by Kurt Lewin, consisting of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The participants of this study were 35 students from class X RPL B. Data were collected using pretests and posttests. The results reveal a significant improvement in students' learning outcomes after the use of motion graphic learning videos. The average pretest score was 56.29, while the average posttest score was 77.14. These findings indicate that motion graphic learning videos enhance students' interest and motivation, thus accelerating the learning process. It can be concluded that implementing motion graphic learning videos is effective in improving students' learning outcomes in the PPLG subject at SMKN 2 Cimahi.
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