Education on the Effect of Malnutrition on Prenatal Factors for Children with Special Needs

Rifkhi Rinaldhi, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto


The purpose of this study is to educate the public regarding nutritional deficiencies that can affect health, including a mother's pregnancy. The method used in this research is the experimental method by giving a pre-test to the respondents as many as 20 people as a sample. Then action is given in the form of education related to malnutrition which is a factor causing children with special needs and then a post-test is given to respondents. The results showed that the average N-gain was 0.62 (62%) which means that education about malnutrition using the PowerPoint method in educating citizens can be said to be quite effective. The comparison between the average pre-test results is 61.5 with the average post-test results, which is 86.3 there is an increase. Then the results show that the understanding of respondents has increased from before after being given education related to malnutrition on the prenatal causes of children with special needs. This research can increase the understanding of the Karyawangi of the village about malnutrition on the prenatal causes of children with special needs. Thus, malnutrition in someone who can be a prenatal factor causing children with special needs can be overcome early on.


Children with special needs; Malnutrition; Prenatal factors

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