Acceptance of Cheating, Gamesmanship, and Winning Proportionality: A Gender-Based Comparative Study in Youth Sports
Moral decision-making in youth sports is a critical area of research that explores the ethical attitudes of young athletes. This study examines gender-based differences in three dimensions of moral decision-making: Acceptance of Cheating (AC), Acceptance of Gamesmanship (AG), and Keeping Winning in Proportion (KWIP) among children aged 12–13 years actively participating in sports. This study employed a comparative research design with a purposive sampling method. A total of 223 participants completed the AMDYSQ-2 (Attitudes to Moral Decision-Making in Youth Sport Questionnaire). Data were analyzed descriptively and using the Mann-Whitney U Test to assess gender differences. The findings revealed significant gender differences in AC and AG, with males exhibiting higher acceptance of cheating and gamesmanship compared to females. No significant differences were found for KWIP, indicating a shared perspective between genders on maintaining proportionality in winning. Additionally, trends showed higher acceptance of unethical behaviors in the "Poor" category for both genders. These results underscore the importance of addressing gender-specific attitudes in moral decision-making through targeted interventions that promote fairness and ethical reasoning. Future research should explore broader age ranges and cultural contexts to generalize findings and develop tailored interventions for fostering moral values in youth sports.
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