Hoax on religious topics on social media: exploring experiences and their influence on students’ religiosity
The rapid development of information and communication technology increasingly provides easy access and speed of dissemination of religious information. However, this convenience raises new challenges in the form of the spread of hoaxes on social media. This study aims to explore the intensity and experience of students using social media, as well as their responses to hoax information on religious topics and its influence on their religiosity. A qualitative approach with a phenomenological method was chosen, where questionnaire data on the experiences of 38 student respondents collected through Google Forms were analyzed through the stages of data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the age of students has an intensity that is closely related to social media. All respondents have found hoax information on religious topics. Although the majority were not affected by the hoax information, there were still a small number of respondents whose beliefs and worship practices were affected. The results of this study have implications for the importance of strengthening digital-based religious literacy among them.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/t.v11i2.75854
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