Religious guidance in the Korean Pop lovers community and its relevance to Islamic Religious Education learning
Now, K-Pop fans in Indonesia have reached various levels of society. The growth of K-pop and the public’s attraction to K-pop certainly affects not only the popularity and spread of K-pop in Indonesia but also various aspects, especially in terms of culture and religion. Therefore, a forum is needed that can accommodate aspirations and can make K-Pop fans maintain a high level of religiosity even though they like or idolize K-Pop idols. The study aims to capture the religious guidance carried out by one of the K-Pop lover communities, namely XKwavers, to unite Korean culture (K-Pop) with Islam. The research design used is qualitative with a descriptive method. This research finds da'wah strategies carried out by the community to attract K-Pop fans to participate in the XKwavers program, including the use of communication language that follows the characteristics of K-Pop fans, the use of K-Pop symbols in disseminating information, and the use of AI. The coaching program owned by XKwavers is relevant to learning Islamic religious education. This program encourages its participants to always remember Allah and be useful people.
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