The role of surau and tarekat in traditional Islamic education in 20th century AD.
Abstract. This study aims to reveal the socio-historical relationship between surau and tarekat in traditional Islamic education in Minangkabau. This research is a field research with a qualitative method. This study uses a Historical and Sociological analysis approach. These two approaches are used because the historical and social sides of the object under study are always interconnected. Through the historical approach, it is assumed that all events can be traced by looking at how and when they occurred, where, why and who was involved in the event. The relation of traditional Islamic education in Minangkabau cannot be separated from the history of Islamization of Minangkabau itself. Surau education is carried out through the study of the Kitab Kuning about various Islamic studies that written by authoritative ulamas. The study of the Kitab Kuning stimulated creations in the form of various books written by local Minangkabau ulamas. In addition to the study of Kitab Kuning, each surau also has the authority to transmit their respective tarekat, such as the existence of tarekat Naqhsabandiyah, Syattariyah and Sammaniyah. In the early 20th century AD, surau and tarekat were challenged by the modernization movement of Islamic education that brought by ulama kaum muda. The existence of public schools founded by the Dutch also made the position of surau and tarekat education even more difficult. These factors then make surau and tarekat education experience a crisis and cannot avoid the modernization of Islamic education.
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