Development Sect of Mystics “PERJALANAN” in Pakutandang Village Communities, Ciparay Sub District Bandung in Year of (2006-2017)
Abstract. This study discusses the Development Sect Of Mysticism “Perjalanan” which is located in Karang Pawitan, Cipaku, Pakutandang Village, Ciparay Sub-District in 2006-2017. This study broadly answers the question about the Development Sect of Mysticism “Perjalanan” In Pakutandang Village Communities in Year of 2006-2017. This research uses qualitative methods, with data collection using observation, in-depth interviews and documentation study. Based on the research results, it was found that Sect Of Mysticism “Perjalanan” was not from Ciparay, but from Subang which was the beginning of the emergence of the Sect Of Mysticism “Perjalanan” founded by Mei Kartawinata and his friends, they were Sumantri and M.Rasyid. In its development, the Sect Of Mysticism “Perjalanan” was inseparable from its followers who at that time was in Ciparay, although initially, the followers of the Sect of Mysticism were not originally from Ciparay but people who moved from Rancakole and Cibeureum. In terms of the teachings that Mei Kartawinata passed on to his followers from the past until now, it is still the same as the original. There was a very significant development for the followers, it was when the trust column became available in the Identity Card column and there was no more discrimination regarding matters of work or marriage. This undergraduate thesis is expected to be a reference for research that has not been captured.
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