Analysis of Visitor Needs for the Development of Educational Applications for the Bandung Geological Museum Collection
The main objective of this research is to improve educational applications at the Museum of Geology. The objective is to identify the need to develop educational applications for visitors to the Museum of Geology in Bandung. This research uses the Design-Based Research (DBR) method. The following steps when conducting DBR research are (1) analysis and exploration, (2) design and construction, and (3) evaluation and reflection. The results showed that UI-UX aspects scored 72.78%, interactive elements scored 86.73%, sensitivity to media interactivity scored 73.31%, and enthusiasm for educational application development scored 84.65%. Based on the research results and data collected from this study, interactive media at the Museum of Geology is in good condition, but visitors have some complaints. Then, visitors anticipated additional content from the design, color, and interactivity categories. Since then, interactive media has become more effective in increasing the capacity to provide information about the collection to users. This can be verified using the scores mentioned earlier in the results and explanation section.
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