Teaching Practice from Home: Exploring Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives on Online Microteaching during The COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced initial teacher education institutions to deliver teaching and learning sessions online, including the conversion of face-to-face to online microteaching. Regarding this, pre-service teachers will experience an unprecedented change in their academic journey to become teachers, impacting their attitudes toward the phenomenon. Therefore, this study examines pre-service teachers' (PST) perspectives toward implementing online microteaching. More specifically, it explores the challenges and advantages of online microteaching, as suggested by PSTs. The data were collected from a qualitative survey and reflective journal completed by 18 PSTs at President University, Indonesia. The results of the qualitative analysis revealed that the PSTs experienced six significant issues in online microteaching, including technical, circumstantial, linguistic, psychological, learning material, and time management issues. Despite this, the PSTs perceived that online microteaching offers a number of advantages, such as promoting adjustments in teaching, teaching development, awareness of classroom interaction, language use, efficacy, and time management. Further recommendations for research and practice are also thoroughly discussed in this study.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/pdgia.v21i3.65104
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