Material Design for Prophetic Character and Skills
This research aims to design material to effectively convey character and prophetic skills at the Baiturrahmah Character Islamic School. The theoretical studies used in this research are character education and prophetic skills education. The research approach used was a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research subjects were 30 teachers and administrators of the Baiturrahmah Character Islamic School. Data collection techniques were carried out through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. The findings of this research reveal that the integration of character material and prophetic skills with the school curriculum has been carried out. However, obstacles and challenges are still faced in developing character and prophetic skills, including limited time, a lack of teacher ability to implement character development and prophetic skills, and a lack of resources. Available to support character development activities and prophetic skills. In this research, a content design for S2MB3 streaming materials for PAUD and elementary school levels was also designed, which could guide teachers in integrating character streaming and prophetic skills in the classroom. The results of this research provide an essential contribution to the development of character education at the Baiturrahmah Character Islamic School.
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