Dynamics of Patience of Class Shadow Teachers for Hyperactive Children at Special School
As an educational institution, a Special school (SLB) is formed by many elements directed at achieving educational goals, the core process of which is learning for students. Hyperactive children need special services to meet their needs, especially to get formal education. Class shadow teachers are required in this regard. The aim is to explain the dynamics of the class shadow teacher's patience with hyperactive children at the Autistic Harmony Surakarta SLB. This research uses qualitative research methods. The subjects in this study were class shadow teachers hyperactive at SLB Autism Harmony Surakarta. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are the dynamics of the class shadow teacher's patience in dealing with hyperactive children, indicating that the teacher has been patient in assisting hyperactive children. Teachers are proven to have demonstrated the attitude to be able to hold back and control emotions in helping hyperactive children. The teacher's patience is a form of feeling grateful from the teacher for the pleasures of his work so that the teacher chooses to continue to be a teacher and accompany hyperactive children.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/pdgia.v21i3.64430
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