Implementation of Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka in the Perspectives of Students: An Integrative Literature Review
Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is being implemented to help Indonesian students become advanced and employable individuals. This study aims to describe student perspectives on the results of MBKM implementation and the benefits and obstacles obtained while implementing MBKM-based on student perspectives. This study uses an integrative literature review method through articles, journals, and documents linked to implementing MBKM with the inclusion criteria of students who are/have implemented MBKM obtained from article databases such as Garuda and Research Gate. One hundred seventy-five articles were obtained, and screening was conducted to find 22 articles that followed the research objectives. The results found that the three-semester learning rights program helped students develop complex soft skills, work readiness, and social and environmental sensitivity. However, there were several challenges in implementing the three-semester study rights program, such as the lack of college readiness, the involvement of lecturers/ facilitators, and the need for more detailed information related to implementing MBKM.
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