Implementing Rasch Model as an Approach to Test Academic Integrity Instrument's Validity and Reliability

Dira Devayanti, Dodi Suryana, Yaya Sunarya


This research was conducted to analyze the validity of the academic integrity instrument for senior high school (SMA) students in Bandung. The academic integrity instrument consists of 45 items which contain five aspects of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. The research sample was 80 high school students randomly distributed in 3 classes in Bandung. This study used a quantitative approach and descriptive method with a survey as the research method design. Data were analyzed with the Rasch model using the Winstep application version 3.73. The results of the analysis found that: 1) The interaction between respondents and items is included in the good category; 2) The reliability value of the respondent which shows the consistency of the respondent in filling out the instrument is included in the good and acceptable category; 3) The reliability of the item items as an indicator of the quality of the item items in the instrument belongs to the special category; 4) The average difficulty level of standard items is above the ability level of high school students. Thus the items of the academic integrity instrument are easily approved by high school students in Bandung.


Academic Integrity, Instrument, Item Reliability, Rasch Model

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