Strategy to Overcome Early Childhood Malnutrition in West Pasaman District

Serli Marlina


The prevalence of malnutrition under five in West Pasaman Regency, from 17.8% in 2019 to 21% in 2020, makes the area with the highest number of malnutrition cases in West Sumatra. Prevention and handling of malnutrition cases are dominantly centered in the district, so areas far from the district center are often unreachable. Especially during this pandemic, posyandu activities are hampered. This study aimed to describe the malnutrition prevention strategy in West Pasaman Regency. Qualitative research was chosen because it is in line with the research objectives. The informants of this research wee the Head of the Public Health Center, the Community Leader, the Posyandu Cadre, and Parents who have early childhood. The instruments are observation, interviews, and documentation-data analysis using data triangulation. The prevention strategy is to provide JKN to malnutrition toddlers, especially from low-income families, by including them in Jamkesda membership, providing latrines and clean water to low-income families, and collaborating with universities to educate parents. It can be concluded that the district government implements a strategy to reduce malnutrition cases.


Early Childhood, Malnutrition, Strategy Handling

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