Train Children's Patience And Focus Cerebral Palsy Through Meroning Activities

Fatih Ibnu Reza


Cerebral palsy children often have trouble with coordinating eyes and hands in children resulting in patience and focus that occurs in children. This study aims to explore challenges and solutions in increasing patience and focus in cerebral palsy children through increasing activity. This study was implemented in children with cerebral palsy Hemiplegic type. Research methods in this study used descriptive qualitative which is discussed about the subject of the study. Data collection tools in research This uses observation to 1 subject 5 years old. To provide deep stimulus to increase the child's patience and focus, this research uses meroning as a learning media by considering supportive environmental conditions, assessing the child's readiness to learn, and paying attention using easy language understood by children. The implications of this research show that these activities are effective for children who need special services, especially for Cerebral
Palsy children aged 5 years.


Cerebral Palsy; Meroning; Focus.

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