Application Of Adobe Flash Multimedia In Improving Vocabulary Ability Of Student With Hearing Impairment

Risca Rosinta Agustin


This research is motivated by the empirical condition of vocabulary skills shown by deaf students at the State B Garut Special School, Indonesia, which is still small and under the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The purpose of this study is to improve the vocabulary skills of students with hearing impairment through the application of adobe flash multimedia according to the level of ability or competence of students in the vocabulary aspect. The method was qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis data processing techniques. The results showed an increase in learning behavior after applying adobe flash multimedia as a medium in improving the vocabulary skills of students with hearing impairment. This is evident from the average vocabulary acquisition results in each cycle and can be seen from the graph which tends to increase. The average percentage of vocabulary proficiency results in the first cycle was 80%, in the second cycle is increased to 88.33%, and in the third cycle, it increased again to 93%, so that it surpassed the predetermined standard KKM of 66. This study shows that the use of adobe flash multimedia can improve students' vocabulary skills. The use of adobe flash multimedia is very interesting and fun for students both in terms of images, audio, and moving animations. In addition, adobe flash multimedia can make it easier for teachers to guide students, especially for students with hearing impairment.


Multimedia adobe flash; Students with hearing impairment; Vocabulary.

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