Affective and Psychomotor Aspects of 5th-Grade Students in Online Learning against Students with Special Needs Spirit of Learning

Poppy Mega Karina, Rina Maryanti, Verra Wulandary


This study aims to determine how the affective and psychomotor aspects of 5th-grade students of elementary school West Java, Indonesia with student special needs. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method to 38 5th-grade students of elementary school West Java, Indonesia with student special needs. Data collection techniques in this study were in the form of surveys and questionnaires, namely filling out a questionnaire on a google form that had been prepared. The results of this survey stated that 90% of the students of elementary school West Java, Indonesia, 90% still often interacted with their families, did not tend to play games in their daily lives, students were still doing sports during the COVID-19 pandemic. To encourage children's psychomotor, all students are still enthusiastic when learning online, even students’ experience a decrease in enthusiasm when learning online compared to face-to-face learning. Overall, almost all students want to return to face-to-face learning directly to the school. These results indicate that the students' sense of enthusiasm for learning at elementary school.


Affective; Enthusiasm for learning; Online learning; Psychomotor; Student special needs

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