Breix Michael G. Agua, Myline O. Patinga


Mathematics has been included in basic education programs to develop students’ 21st-century skills and help them understand modern life. Teachers, however, face challenges teaching Mathematics in the Modern World (MMW) as a new course, making instructional materials vital for effective teaching. This study aims to measure the impact of instructional materials design on the students' performance in this sense. The research particularly focused on the acquisition of learning competencies, difficulties faced, and the usefulness of the worksheets as predictors of performance. A causal research design was used, with proportionate random sampling applied to select 258 students who took MMW during the second semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022.The findings revealed that students demonstrated high acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values. They rated the worksheets as moderately challenging but useful. Students with excellent or very good grades showed higher competency acquisition, followed by those with passing grades, and those with below-passing grades had the lowest competency levels. Pearson r correlation analysis indicated significant relationships between learning competency, difficulty, and usefulness with students' performance. However, regression analysis showed that only worksheet difficulty and usefulness were significant predictors of students' performance, suggesting a need for further review of these factors to improve outcomes.


difficulty; learning competency acquisition; Mathematics performance; usefulness; worksheets

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ije.v17i2.60949


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