- Umasih


The three dominant components in the implementation of historical learning are teachers, students and curriculum. The Curriculum function as a teacher’s references to outline the learning and its implementation in the class. The initial is to develop a self-awareness in order that the students will embrace high-spirited nationalism that will be implied to their daily life as a national and global citizen. This article discuss on how the historical learning in High School implemented several curriculum in Indonesia. Thereforeurces data were obtained through research, observation, experince, and interview towards a number of history teachers from various of regions in Indonesia.


historical learning, curriculum, contextual approach and cooperative learning

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Ratnaningsih on December 10th, 2005 in 18 High School in Makasar and also the write did it on purpose of Dissertation. Ratna expressed her experiences as a history teacher since 1990.

Marlupi on August 28th 2000 in East Jakarta

Djoko Suryo on September 22th 1999 in Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/historia.v11i2.12332


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