An Analysis of Cultural, Historical, and Traditional Values behind Rendang in Indonesian Gastrodiplomacy
This research aims to examine cultural, historical, and traditional values behind rendang in gastrodiplomacy in the implementation of Indonesian foreign policy for the development of gastronomic tourism in the country. The Ministry of Tourism named rendang one of the country’s national foods in 2018, raising two research questions. First, what purpose that the government has set in choosing rendang as its national dish? Second, what values that outshines rendang? I argue that Indonesia selected rendang to become its national dish because the government sought to use the Minangkabau culinary delight as the instrument of gastrodiplomacy to develop gastronomic tourism in the country. For the government, the development of Indonesian gastronomic tourism serves as national interest that the country intends to achieve in its foreign policy. The government saw the potential in rendang in helping the country reach such national interest because of the rich culture, history, and tradition behind the dish. Using qualitative method and Paul S. Rockower’s gastrodiplomacy concept, I explore the cultural, historical, and traditional values of rendang through literature review. I found that those values lay in the symbolization of its ingredients and cooking process for the customary ceremonies of Minangkabau people. The government wants to communicate those values in its gastrodiplomacy to attract foreign audience to travel to the country for the development of Indonesian gastronomic tourism. This descriptive research contributes to enrich literature on Indonesian gastrodiplomacy in Indonesian foreign policy.
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