Optimizing the Potential of Kabocha Pumpkin in Lembang Through Culinary Product Modifications

Ilmiati Tsaniah, Agus Sudono, Nisrina Nabilah


Kabocha mochi donuts are one of the product innovations and modifications that combine kabocha with white sticky rice flour to optimize kabocha use in the Lembang area. This type of research is quantitative research using experimental methods by carrying out a kitchen project. 32 semi-trained panelists carried out the tests as organoleptic test samples or five sense tests which included hedonic tests on taste, aroma, color, texture, and appearance, then the results were calculated using the ANOVA and Duncan methods. The results of this research revealed that the recipe formulation that had been carried out in the organoleptic test of mochi kabocha donuts showed that the most preferred formulation was the DMPK 1 formulation with a ratio of 70%: 30% between white sticky rice flour and kabocha.


Kabocha; Culinary Product; Modifications

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gastur.v11i2.75132


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