Preservation of Traditional Food Jagung Bose as a Gastronomic Tourism Attraction in Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara

Selviana Manek, Yasintus Indro Rato


Jagung (Corn) bose is one of the most distinctive traditional foods on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province.   This food is made from corn, which is the daily staple food for the people of East Nusa Tenggara. Corn is one of the staple commodities that replace rice in this province. Currently, traditional food has not been used as a featured food as a gastronomic tourism attraction that can be enjoyed by tourists. This research also aims to preserve and introduce to the wider community the potential as a gastronomic tourist attraction. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The result of the research is the acquisition of gastronomic components as tourist attractions. Then it is necessary to comprehensively promote the distinctiveness of jagung bose as a superior traditional food from the East Nusa Tenggara region. The effort was made to the community, domestic tourists, and foreign tourists. To the local community, educational efforts need to be made to make traditional jagung bose food so that it can be passed down to the next generation.


Preservation; Jagung Bose; Tourism; Gastronomy; Traditional Food

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