Utilization of Pigeon Meat in Making Shreded Meat (Abon)

Ita Karnita, Sonny Sanjaya, Sara Rabasari


The research objective is to explore what's of unique about Abon.  Abon is a food made from animal meat fibers. Indonesians, must be familiar with this type of food. Its appearance is usually light brown to blackish in color as it is seasoned with soy sauce and palm sugar. From a distance, it looks like cotton fibers because it is dominated by dried muscle fibers that are shredded. Dry and with almost no residual moisture content, this food is generally shelf-stable for a fairly long period of time as long as it is in an airtight package. In this research, the author replaces beef with pigeon meat in making shredded meat, aiming to innovate in processing pigeon meat. The research method used is experimental, with researchers using quantitative data collection techniques. Data collection is conducted through interview, questionnaire, and observation. The measurement scale used by researchers in data collection is an ordinal scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. Based on the comparison of nutritional values discussed earlier, it can be seen that the shredded meat comparison has more nutritional content than the experimental shredded meat.


Pigeon; Beef; Abon

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gastur.v11i1.69223


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