Utilization of Tofu Pulp Flour in Making Cookies

Superwiratni Superwiratni, Surya Aditya Wahyono


The research objective of what's unique about culinary tourism in Indonesia is not only the food aspect, but also the art and culture. Art and culture packages can be sold through the food. Some regions in Indonesia also make the tourism sector the backbone of the economy because it can bring positive flows to businesses in the service and food sectors. Cookies are popular type of snack food enjoyed by people of all ages, from children to adults, in both rural and urban areas. With this high import value, the utilization of other materials is necessary to reduce the use of wheat flour and produce flour that does not contain gluten so that it can be consumed by people with gluten intolerance, such as tofu pulp flour. Tofu pulp is actually a solid waste derived from the by-product of soybean pulp squeezed in tofu production. Tofu dregs are part of the soybean seeds that remain after filtering. So far, tofu pulp has not been optimally utilized by tofu producers, they just throw it away which can cause pollution. Although there are also tofu producers who have sold this solid waste, they sell it at a very cheap price. Meanwhile, the amount of tofu pulp itself is quite large because approximately 40% of the total tofu production is the result of solid waste. Solid waste of tofu production is actually not so detrimental when compared to its liquid waste because this solid waste can be reprocessed, into flour. Based on the explanation above, study will be conducted to replace the role of eggs in pound cake with tofu, making it suitable for all groups including vegans and those who have allergies to eggs. This research will focus on aspects of taste that include flavor, aroma, texture and appearance.



Cookies,Flour ,tofu pulp

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gastur.v11i1.68961


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