A Review on Intention towards Consumption Behavior of Gastronomy in Sarawak, Malaysia

Utin Roziana Gusti Asmadi, Zaiton Samdin, Shahrim Ab Karim


As gastronomy tourism research continues to experience exponential growth, several review articles have explored the connection between gastronomy and tourism through various thematic and disciplinary lenses. However, what is currently lacking is a comprehensive summary that encompasses the interdisciplinary aspects of this research field. Therefore, as a conceptual paper, this article uses the previous empirical data of the theory between Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) to obtain insight into the local gastronomy in Sarawak experiences through quantitative methods by using a questionnaire. The conceptual framework comprises eight factors (i.e., knowledge, experiences, cultural awareness, food safety, gastronomy image, epistemic value, and environmental factors, and willingness to pay). This study established an in-depth understanding of the consumption of local gastronomy in Sarawak.


Consumption behavior, environmental factors, Sarawak gastronomy, Social cognitive theory, Willingness to pay

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gastur.v11i1.67074


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