Gastronomy Tourism: Local Food and Tourism Experience in Bandung
Gastronomy tourism could also be named as dynamic culinary tourism, defined as the activity that the tourists visit a destination to taste the local food and beverage products that can add the experience and impression to their trip. Gastronomy Tourism is currently developing rapidly and become one of the most creative and dynamic segments in the field of tourism. Bandung as one of three places that designated as gastronomy tourism destination in Indonesia besides Bali and Joglosemar has very attractive gastronomy tourism destination. Bandung is one of the cities that develop and expand gastronomy tourism in Indonesia. The qualitative approach used in this research is to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences from the phenomenon in Bandung as a gastronomy tourism destination in the case study. SWOT analysis and flow model technique used as a result generator in the case of local food and tourism experience in Bandung. The local community, tourists, food industry, and local government are involved in this research. Knowing the gastrotourism in Bandung that giving authentic experience for tourists specifically it will give specific information that can be useful for gastronomy enthusiast and will illuminate to culture and economic development of Bandung.
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