Engelbertus Seran


This study aims to search for, reconstruct, and classify traditional games in Belu District in accordance with the cultural values of the community, and to analyzing traditional games as a means of stimulating aspects of Children's Motor Development. Traditional games that are currently often played by children in urban areas tend to hone brain skills rather than muscle abilities, therefore parents who live in urban areas are advised to introduce more children to the types of games that train more muscle strength -their muscles and traditional games can be one solution. Traditional games are slowly but surely starting to be abandoned. Various traditional games can directly contribute to children including: 1) physical formation that is healthy, fit, resilient, superior and competitive; 2) mental formation includes: sportsmanship, tolerance, discipline and democracy; 3) Moral formation becomes more responsive, sensitive, honest, and sincere; 4) the formation of social capabilities, namely being able to compete, cooperate, be disciplined, friendly and national.

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