Pemanfaatan Learning Management System Berbasis Platform Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Matematis dan Self-Regulated Learning di Sekolah Dasar

Agus Salim, Herpratiwi Herpratiwi, Rangga Firdaus


The development of information and communication technology, especially the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS), has significantly impacted the way education is conducted across various fields, including mathematics. LMS offers ease in managing, delivering, and evaluating learning in a digital format, enabling more flexible and interactive learning experiences. The use of LMS has the potential to improve students' mathematical abilities, such as problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Furthermore, LMS plays a crucial role in fostering self-regulated learning (SRL) abilities, which refer to students' capability to manage, monitor, and evaluate their learning process independently. This study aims to explore the utilization of LMS in mathematics education and its impact on improving students' mathematical abilities and SRL. The method used is a literature review, analyzing various previous studies related to the use of LMS in mathematics education, particularly those focusing on improving students' problem-solving skills and fostering independent learning. The analysis results indicate that the implementation of LMS can enhance students' conceptual understanding of mathematics and problem-solving skills, as well as strengthen their independent learning. However, the implementation of LMS also faces challenges, such as limited access to technology infrastructure and students' digital literacy, which need to be addressed to fully optimize the benefits of LMS in mathematics education.


Learning Management System; Mathematics; Self-Regulated Learning

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