Penerapan Project Based Learning dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Matematika di Kelas IV

Aprianto Abdurahman, Darmawan Darmawan, Enung Siti Nurfarijah, Siti Aminah


Motivation in learning mathematics is very important in supporting the success of learning mathematics. Lack of motivation has the potential to disrupt the transfer of knowledge. Project-based learning was chosen because it is relevant to the needs of students who are more familiar with mathematical project work. This study aims to increase student motivation in mathematics by using a project-based learning model in fourth grade of SDN 065 Cihampelas, Bandung City, which has a total of 24 students. This type of research uses Collaborative Classroom Action Research. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The results of student learning motivation in cycle 1 reached 79.4% and there was an increase in cycle 2 which reached 85.6%. These results prove that there is an increase in student mathematics motivation in fourth grade at SDN 065 Cihampelas, although there are still some obstacles during the learning process. This research can be a foundation for educational practitioners who experience the same problems and also as a basis for making teaching decisions, especially in a small scope of learning.


Mathematics; Learning Motivation; Project-Based Learning; Primary School

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