Pengaruh TikTok sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Seksual pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Nining Wahyuningsih, Fatihaturosyidah Fatihaturosyidah


The problem in this research is that providing an understanding of sex education to children is not easy. Many parents still find it difficult where to start providing an understanding of sex to elementary school students. Society still considers sex to be limited to sexual relations between husband and wife, even though sex includes the types and functions of the genitals and others that arise due to changes in hormones. This research uses a correlational method. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews. The sample in this research was 10 students. This research aims to reveal an overview of the influence of TikTok as a medium in educating elementary school students about sexuality knowledge and reveal what aspects influence the use of TikTok as a medium in educating elementary school students about sexuality knowledge. The results of data analysis techniques using the T-Test formula show that TikTok as a learning medium did not affect elementary school students’ knowledge of sexuality. However, the relationship between variables x (Using TikTok) and variable y (sexual understanding) from this study is positive, meaning that the lower the influence of TikTok, the lower the knowledge of sexuality, even though the level of correlation in this study is stated to be low.


TikTok; Sex Education; Elementary School Students

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