Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Aplikasi AKSI Sekolah SD untuk Meningkatkan Numerasi Anak pada Siswa Kelas III SD

Mega Ulia Putri


The selection of learning media is crucial in classrooms, particularly in mathematics and numeracy subjects, to prevent boredom and improve students' skills. The AKSI Sekolah SD application, created by the Balitbang-Kemendikbud Puspendik-Kemendikbud, is an effective tool for assessing the competency of Indonesian Elementary School Students, aiming to enhance their numeracy literacy skills. This government program, Merdeka Belajar, is a valuable tool for enhancing learning outcomes. This research is descriptive quantitative research that has the purpose of research to find out how students' numeracy abilities before and after answering the numeracy test using the AKSI Sekolah SDapplication, then how to guide students when answering the numeracy test using the application in improving students' numeracy ability, as well as responses students against the use of the application. This research was conducted at SDN Cileungsi 01 Bogor which was shown in 28 grade III students. The research techniques carried out are using tests, observations and questionnaires. The observation results showed that the numeracy ability of grade III students were still categorized as low because the student’s target power was weak, but after a guidance process was carried out with students using the AKSI Sekolah SD and post-test on the application, the results showed that student’s numeracy ability experienced a significant increase from low ability to moderate ability, this was shown by the average student on the pre-test reaching 49,28% while in the post-test reached 82.64% and students are very enthusiastic about using the application so that they can feel the benefits of using the sophistication of technology within the scope of schools.


Learning Media; AKSI Sekolah SD Application; Numeracy Skills

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