Penerapan Model Picture and Picture untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Minat Belajar dalam Pelajaran IPS Materi Jenis Pekerjaan
The underlying point of this research is that when learning in the classroom is still oriented to the teacher (teacher centered learning), the teacher explains more material to students and then gives tasks to be done so that they do not talk much and roam in the classroom. This will make the child more passive when learning in the classroom. Limited knowledge that teachers have becomes a major factor, making it difficult for teachers to create interesting learning and invove student activities, therefore, this study wanats to review the use of Picture and Picture models during the Social Science learning process to develop students’ learning activities and interests. The research design used during this study uses the Kemmis & McTaggart Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. This research takes place starting from the pre-action stage and the stage of implementation of action, namely cycle I and cycle II whice consists of 4 stages, namely the stage of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. To obtain data in the study, researchers used observation techniques, interviews, tests and documentation. The data found based on the result of the percentage of student activity levels during cycle I which is 49,9% also during cycle II, there was an increase of 88,3% with the category of high interest. So in this study researchers councluded that the uses of Picture and Picture learning models on Social Science subjects found an increase in activity as well as the learning interests of fourth grade students.
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