Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas V di SDN Kubang Sepat 1 Kota Cilegon

Siti Fauziyah, Tiurlina Tiurlina, Fitri Alfarisa


Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions toward oneself. Mathematics is one of the subjects that contains symbols and numbers that have a certain meaning. Based on the results of observations at SDN Kubang Sepat 1, Cilegon City, it was found that many students were indifferent to mathematics learning; students gave up easily and did not have enthusiasm for learning mathematics. Most of them lack confidence to learn mathematics and do not like to learn mathematics for the reason that learning mathematics is difficult to understand, and many experience obstacles in solving math problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on mathematical learning achievement. The research method used is an ex-post facto quantitative approach. The research instruments used are emotional intelligence measurement scales and math learning outcomes tests. The results of the research obtained include: (1) students' emotional intelligence is divided into three categories, namely low (0 students), medium (29 students), and high (3 students). (2) Students' mathematics learning outcomes are divided into three categories, namely medium 5 students, medium 20 students, and high 7 students. (3) There is an influence of emotional intelligence on mathematics learning outcomes, as seen by the significance test value of 0.000. (4) The magnitude of the influence of emotional intelligence on student learning outcomes is 34.7%. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that emotional intelligence influences the mathematics learning outcomes of SDN Kubang Sepat 1 Cilegon City students.


Emotional Intelligence; Learning Outcomes; Mathematics

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